Looking for a phono preamp that has volume control

Looking for a phono preamp that has volume control. I've gone digital and sold my preamp. I don't want to convert the analog to digital and play it thru my DAC. And I miss my records. So I'm looking suggestions, preferably tube phono preamp with  volume control.
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Look at the Aqvox2CI. It has a balanced design all the way to the Cartridge and thereby provides the lowest hum and noise I have ever experienced. 
hi georgehifi
You're right about the vdH Grail.
Last year I auditioned nearly everything balanced in the £5k to £15k range.
Grail was the best by a long road.  It has everything, accuracy, soundstage, realism.
And it can be connected single-end or balance.  I noted many contenders are SE only when balanced is the clear best way to go.  I didn't audition any of those because my system runs balance from stylus to speakers.
Could this Variable output level control for source matching be used as a volume control? On is it just a gain pot only?
@tyray  It looks like that has been eliminated in the current version, but if I missed it, it would make for a very inconvenient volume control!