D'agostino amplifiers: where's the beef?

So I've owned two of the classic monster Krell amplifiers from the distant past, the KSA 50 and later the KSA 250.  Both great amplifiers in their time and both collectible for those interested in that kind of stuff.  I'm generally a fan of D'agostino as a consequence.

I'm currently shopping for a new solid state amplifier to pair with potentially new speakers (Wilson or YG or Von Schweikert or Magico or Joseph - long story for another day).

 So recently while auditioning at my local dealer the system was powered by the current D'agostino M400 mono amplifiers.  While the sound was good I couldn't help but notice how TINY the $65K amplifiers were sitting on stands near the speakers.  OK they had nice metal work and were shiny but I couldn't help wonder WHY are these things so expensive?!  Later at home photo's of the insides of these amps on Google led me to wonder even more!!  The power supplies and interior construction in these things are nothing like the monster supplies and parts in the classic Krell's

Plus while the Krell's were expensive in their day (with great sound) the current D'agostino's have absurd pricing, far exceeding inflation.  

Are people spending this kind of money for fancy heat sinks?  Really?

I'd rather have an old Krell and a new Porsche Boxster or C8 Corvette for the same money.

Any one else have similar impressions?
I call my system "Frankenstein".  Lots of compromises due to space limitations and budget.  Thankfully it works a lot better than Frankenstein's monster.

I've heard the D'agostino M400 monoblocks at Echo Audio in Portland, in their old space which was really terrible acoustically.  That system sounded amazing.  Maybe the best I've heard.

If I had the space and the budget and wanted to have a system that looks as good as it sounds, I'd definitely consider them.  They don't fit my current situation, but that's no reason for me to disparage others who might find them just right for their situation.
Interesting replies so far for sure.

A few points to consider:

M400's have an 1800 KV transformer as stated in this thread.  I believe my KSA 250 has a 4500 KV transformer that by itself outweighs an entire M400 mono amp by 20 pounds or more.  Just sayin'.....

I have nothing against paying a premium for a great product: in 1997 ordered and purchased a new air cooled 911, knowing it would be among the last of it's kind.  Drove it to work this morning, and still love the build quality, engineering, look, feel and sound that will never be duplicated in a competing product.  

Same with my SME V tonearm I purchased in 1990 and still use - a great high end product and totally worth what it cost at the time ($2500 though I paid less for a new one).

IMO no matter what it costs IF it's good value then it's worth it.

I'm not convinced D'agostino amps are in that category after at least a half dozen auditions and visual inspections.  

Will admit they are pretty in a mini me sort of way … but since I'm more interested in sound AND value I could only consider one used at heavy discount (even then I'm not so sure).
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