Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..

Could concrete speaker enclosures give us the most realistic sound ?  

 Not connected with this company in any way
Millercarbon concrete and extruded polystyrene are sometimes mixed together, so you could end up somewhere in the middle sound wise.
Hello highend666.  Granite/Quartz countertops are frequently broken during transportation and installation. Broken bits can be had for very low prices and the shops that have them will cut them for you. I have made seven cabinets out of broken counter tops. You can make the fronts out of any kind of wood product you like, the backs too. Glue the countertop pieces together with construction adhesive or silicone rubber. Heavy, but acoustically inert.
British audio engineer, Gilbert Briggs, who founded Wharfdale in the late 30's wrote a number of interesting books on "loudspeaker" design. He installed speakers into bricked-in corners in a room - must have had a very supportive partner. My takeaway from one of his books was the use of bonded dissimilar materials so that their natural resonances would tend to cancel each other out. Taking his advice, I glued 12" square sheets of mosaic tiles, then grouted them, on the inside surfaces of my cabinets - enjoyed listening to those speakers for 50 years. Probably for the same reason Wharfdale sold loudspeakers with sand-filled voids in their walls in the 50s.

1,013 posts
08-12-2020 10:37am
How will the speaker shaped by kenjit sound?
If I had a speaker company my speakers would have to be perfect. No ringing or resonances. Just pure music.

Me, the dog, the rabbit, and the GOAT, all of our heads, cocked sideways. The chickens didn't though. BOING!

NO RESONANCES, either... hum! At least some ok..
Something gotta come out of the front of the speakers, just saying K!



Kenjit is wrong concrete. Does not resonate the issiue is weight and ability to ship without damage

Jim thiel and paul hales had speakers with cconcreate front baffles

Both made great speakers

Just got in cast  ironand graphite speakers from jern they sound unbelievable

0 cabinet resonanance
they sound like 10k speakrs yet cost about 4k

Compleately disssapear speed and articulación are. Off the charts
when used with a good sub willl embarass a lot of extremely expensive speakers

Dave and troy
Audio intellect Nj
Jern dealers