Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..

Could concrete speaker enclosures give us the most realistic sound ?  

 Not connected with this company in any way
Kenjit Not having heard them your blather is one of ignorance.... naturally.

I have  a system of CNC’d aluminium billets incorporating 6 x 2” full range speakers in each module, 6 modules per channel. Custom amplifiers drive them and I dare anyone to say they ring. The sound is top quality! I compare these to my other system (250k) and yes there is a difference naturally but the solid aluminium speakers are in the high quality sound range.
I’ve spent time listening to Acora’s granite enclosed speakers at the 2019 CAF and they sounded great, even in the minimally treated hotel room. 
I did not know those Acora speakers were granite, but they did sound fine.