Class A or AB amp for JBL S4700 speakers

Which should I go for and why? Brands I'm looking at are Accuphase, Pass Labs, and maybe McIntosh.
Yeah, I noticed that too. I can only go by my findings and listening tests. And the top contenders to me are; Accuphase, Pass Labs, Luxman, and McIntosh.
Yeah I agree onkyo makes great CD players like the five disc changers.
I suppose pro reviews, absolute sound, stereophile, and many other publications and audiogon member feed back of any High-end means nothing!,and everything ever opinionated here on audiogon means nothing, really?, what I have said certainly has the bassis to audition the TrL dude pre-amp,cheers.
Audio always will be a personal matter. But every single person is free to give his own opinion. And yes a review is a personal opinion. That is why comparing in audio is so much fun. It is always nice to find tools which are better than the ones you use. Many of us give people here on Audiogon options to audition. Nothing more, nothing less. I believe this is a good thing!!