Transport identification

Hi to all, I'm turning to the audiophile community in the hope I can find an answer to my problem. A few years ago I bought a transport from a small tube gear manufacturer based in Ohio (?) that went by the name Pacific Valve. They are unfortunately not in business anymore. Back then they decided to offer a CD transport (Aulne Cyclone), no accompanying DAC. I recently sold it to have it returned since the buyer claimed that it skipped. Since it had been stored away for the past 3 years and was playing just fine the last time I had used it, I felt a bit like an idiot. I could not play it before I sold it since I don't have a DAC, I only plugged it in to make sure it was OK, which it seemed to be. Now my question is where did they source the laser component? Is it from Phillips, Sony, etc? Does anyone know? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
What happens on the internet stays on the internet🤫 The internet keeps everything 😂
I haven't heard of the Oops brand, but Jond is close; it is from Phillips (CDM 12 Pro). I found the original Audiogon Ad when Pacific Valve advertised it a few years ago. Right now I have at a great tech who will try to adjust the tracking. He was asking about a schematic of this transport (Aune Cyclone). I tried to find it on the net, so far no-go. If any of the Pacific Valve guys are Audiogon members and are reading this, a copy of said schematic would be much appreciated. Thanks for the input.