Amp recommendation to drive Thiel 3.6 speakers

Hello everyone,
My first post here. I''l get right to the point.
I am looking for recommendations for suitable power amp monoblocks to drive a pair of Thiel 3.6 that I have had for 20 years, and which I intend to keep. Let me describe my current system.
Speakers: Thiel; 3.6
Power amps: Manley 250 classic monoblocks (tube)
Pre-amp: Audio Research Reference (tube)
Phono-pre: Audio Research Reference 2 SE (tube)
Turntable: VPI/SME, and Linn LP12
Digital: Audio Research CD3

I am looking for recommendations to replace the Manleys. From what I know, the Thiels are a difficult load.
Thanks in advance
If it doesnt have to be monos and tubes then get the SS CODA No. 8, Version 2.

250/500/1000 watts into 8/4/2 ohms, the 1st 12 watts pure Class A.

I have Version 1 with a tube pre driving B&W 804 D3s @ 87 db sensitivity LOUD without breaking a sweat. These speakers also dip to 2.8 ohms at a few points, which I can actually track watching the power meters flicker up at precisely those points.
big hegel or van alstine or odyssey for value but performance with zero apologies

no affiliation
I had 3.6’s (also from Soundings in Denver, coincidentally) paired with a Krell KSA 200 rated at 200/400/800 watts at 8/4/2 ohms.  The Thiels sounded awesome with that pairing.  They sounded good with a KSA 100, but great with the 200.
I am happy driving my 3.6's with a pair of Pass X600s.  Gutsy enough and finesse too.  Used will be within your $10k budget.
As happy owner of a pair of Thiel 3.6, and two beefy amps, McCormack DNA2 and Threshold S500II, I would say that both represent a very good match with this hard to drive loudspeakers, with a slight preference to DNA2 when I go for low volume level listening in night time, impressive dynamics and details retrieval. Anyway both very recommended, even for their reliability that matters a lot due to the age these amps can be found on second hand market, never a problem or sound quality worsening.