Turntable and amp combination


i would like to put together a turntable and amp combination. While I know enough about the world of digital audio, know very little about the world of analog Audio. 
Have a large collection of vinyl records that my dad gave to me to begin with. 
Also have a paid of bookshelf speakers from Salk sound to begin with (scanspeak 5” woofer and Aircirc tweeter in MTM configuration). 
For all other parts I would like to ideally spend unde $2k-$3k. 
It would be great to get a few suggestions for what gear to buy. 
Project Carbon Espirit is right now what I have in mind right now. I have also been steered towards Marantz.

You can discover much better turntables at the same price or very close, what you're looking for at the moment is not good. Read more about Direct Drive turntables and particularly about brand new Technics models on this forum or elsewhere. 

For amps, do most of the people pick solid state amps for vinyl or tube?

Reading your questions it's hard to understand how long you're into audio ?

Solid State or Tube is endless debate, no one will tell you, no matter what source are you using (analog or digital), it is just personal preferences. 

I'll tell you more: when you say "tube" would you like to describe what you mean? Push-pull, single ended, what king of tubes (new or NOS) ? It is all important. Low power tube amp can't drive inefficient speakers, but they can drive high efficient speakers very well. Currently running my Yamamoto A-08s with Zu Audio Druid speakers. The best Solid State amps i ever heard are those from Nelson Pass (Fist Watt) and mine is First Watt F2J. 

Practically SS is better, those from Nelson Pass FIRST WATT are unique design and exceptionally good (and not expensive). 

When I was looking for a new turntable, I originally expected to get a Pro-ject. My dealer, who’s dealt Pro-ject for years, talked me out of that and into a Mofi. 
Yamaha makes nice integrateds for the money...and they have something to fit most price/quality ranges.  Personally like them in silverface va. black.
I don't pretend to be an expert but I'd recommend going with a tube based phono preamp.  I originally purchased a Lehmann SE Black solid state phono peamp but after several years I elected to upgrade my TT to a Clearaudio Concept and Satisfy Carbon tonearm  with a Van den Huul MC10 special edition cartridge.  I elected to also upgrade to a Jolida JD9 II tube phono stage and have been pretty happy with the results.
I too have Salk speakers (Songtowers).  And although my system has outgrown them...they sound better with every upgrade I've made...so they have survived...

Get an Audiolab 6000A intgegrated amp ($999). It has good enough analog (with phono) section and a great digital section.  This will be more than enough for your bookshelf speakers for the moment.

And yes, I vote for the Technics 1200GR ($1700).  You will pretty much blow every TT listed above with this and it will not limit you as your system grows. Spend more on the front end stuff. Also has a removable headshell...which gives you a lot more flexibility with regard to cartridges and...well...headshells.  Even today, Technics still has a head start on everyone else...and at this rate, no one is catching up any time soon..  You will probably not find a better TT at twice the GR price.