What’s the best rca “Y” adaptor?

I have a ARC SP-9 MKll Preamp with only one set of outputs and I’m thinking about adding a sub woofer or two.  I can’t go off of speaker cables because I have Acoustat  Model X’s and the have the Servo amps with three wires to the speaker, so I must pull off of the preamp.

I looked in the older posts and the newest one was from 2004, so what’s new in the “Y” Adaptor world?

Thanks in advance.

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$250! LOL! Just get s pair from Monoprice and stop being so obsessive! I'm telling you this for your own good!
Hi dweller,
I actually have a pair of those and another very similar, but I can hear the difference with and without them. With them my main speakers become muddy sounding.

 I saw some Pangea ones for $20 each, but before I buy more things that will end up in a box, I decided to ask Avon.
