Seeking advice on purchasing a new streamer

Once again I turn to you guys for advice.  Thanks for all the input you've given to help me along the way

I have 2 systems and only one streamer:  A blue sound Node 2i.  I paired it with a chord Qutest and I love the combo.  I want to get another streamer so I can have one in both systems.  I am considering getting a streamer transport (no DAC) and using it with the Qutest in my primary system and using the Node in my secondary system by itself since the DAC in the Node isn't half bad.

My other thought was to get a cambridge CXN which has a built in upsampler.  Currently I listen to almost all CD quality (and I listen to a lot of red book CDs) so the upsampling feature sounds interesting to me.  Also the dual DACs sound like they'd be a plus.  If this solution improves SQ with CD quality recordings, then I would use this in the primary system.  Are there any other streamers with DACs that you'd recommend?

in summary, looking for possibly a transport streamer OR a DAC streamer

I'd like to spend around $1200 on a solution.  

Any thoughts?

Your Chord Qutest internally upsamples everything already... I have a Lumin U1 mini feeding my Qutest and love the combination... If you really want to play around with upsampling and filtering try SoX its free... The Qutest has galvanic USB that helps in noise isolation...  Good luck in your choices...
@adam8179: If price is a concern you should also take a look at the microRendu sold by SmallGreenComputer. With an additional power supply, I think it will cost < $600. They're also offering a 60 day free Roon subscription.
Thanks everyone for the advice and thoughts.  I ended up buying the Sonore ultraRendu with the normal 7v power supply and it was well under my budget.  Ended up being around $950 with shipping.  Bought a couple CAT6a ethernet cables so it all came out to around $1000.  Hope it sounds good :)
#adam8179 -- great choice! If the ultraRendu is anything like the opticalRendu, you will be very happy with the SQ. Hopefully, you will be able to share your impressions when you're ready. 
@arafiq  Can you post on this thread the URL where you got your opticalRendu package deal. Was it $999? I forgot where you had posted it before.