Lively, fast & open sounding integrated under 3k?

My speakers are 89db 2 way monitors with a very warm sound. Minimum impedance 3.5 ohm
large Room, low level listening 

My goals
excellent immediacy, speed & timing (dont recommend naim, very unnatural forced sound)

forward soundstage (begins at the listening position and extends beyond the speakers)

Body without warmth

small in size if possible, but no class D, doubles into 4 ohms, Good at low volumes
new or used.

possible candidates from reading reviews

crayon cia-1
teac ai-2000
krell s300i
sugden a21se

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forward soundstage (begins at the listening position and extends beyond the speakers)
I have no idea what this means, and I’ve never experienced a soundstage that begins at the listening position — except with headphones. 
I would look at the Musical Fidelity M6si.  Doesn't quite double into 4 ohms but it is comfortable driving speakers with lower impedance.  

Lively sound that will be forward without being bright.  It is a dual mono design though it doesn't have two power supplies.  Made in Taiwan which is why it is relatively inexpensive.  In that price range it would be my first choice.  

A buddy of mine has the Krell and is pretty happy with it.  It replaced a Nord.  He loves it and it should deliver on what you are looking for.  

I haven't heard the other three and have no POV.  

I am an MF dealer.  PM me if you are interested.  
I don't think I would recommend the Krell s300i integrated for this scenario.  The Krell really smooths the highs and it's not as open as others.

Music Fidelity would be a good candidate.  I would also look at Hegel integrateds and even Yamaha integrateds.  Those are both very fast and high resolution.