Upgrading my Sovtek 6922 vacuum tubes

I realize that tube rolling is probably the most subjective discussion on this planet. However, I need some help. I'm currently running a Pathos classic one (MKII) integrated amp that uses Sovtek 6922 preamp tubes. They sound good, but to me, I would like to have more bass response. My budget would be $100-150 for a pair. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
@dekay, Blackburn did make ecc88 a frames with ddg and indeed sounded warmer with better mids than both versions of Holland made ones. I was refering to Mitcham factory only for the ddg E88CC variants. I own SF and i know that an ecc88 will not have a chance in these units and some others too, that's why i believe the e88cc is the better bet valve for audio use from this family.
I'm curious as to what BJ rec's for the OP's gear...

Hope the OP posts an update/take.

Brent Jesse recommended  Amperex Bugleboy Logo 6DJ8's ($110)
Should get them on Tuesday. I'll let you know how they work
with my system.

Hope they hit the/your spot.

Liked the BB's as well/a lot (nice rich/balanced 6dj8 in my old gear).

Adding to my threads for future reference (as my audio mirror dac uses these tubes).  Please keep the recommendations coming.