Upgrading my Sovtek 6922 vacuum tubes

I realize that tube rolling is probably the most subjective discussion on this planet. However, I need some help. I'm currently running a Pathos classic one (MKII) integrated amp that uses Sovtek 6922 preamp tubes. They sound good, but to me, I would like to have more bass response. My budget would be $100-150 for a pair. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Showing 8 responses by dekay


Mullard Blackburn produced dimpled disc getter ecc88/6dj8's.  

They are more common than the Mitcham (ddg) e88cc/6922, and they have a fuller sound than the Holland (ddg) ecc88 production.



Your warning about using ecc88/6dj8's in an e88cc/6922 design is a good one, but it may only apply to a few popular companies (and their designs) which ran the 6922 type especially
 hard (otherwise known as tube eaters).

Off the top of my head this would be ARC, Sonic Frontiers, later CJ's and Audible Illusions*.

The older AI preamps (due to their design from what was explained to - which was over my head) were privy to AC line voltage in this respect in that a higher line voltage feeding the unit the harder on the tubes.

This may explain the wide opinions of what tubes can and/or will not last in the units.

There are also old production ecc88/6dj8's which do survive in some of these supposed tube eater models (Siemens/Tungsram come to mind) that I used in ARC and AI units with success.

However, the problem with both was that I (and the owners) did not care for the sound which was harmonically dry.

Best not to write off the use of vintage 6dj8's (in a 6922 design) on anywhere near a whole as they may very well be fine/long lasting in gobs of gear.

I'm curious as to what BJ rec's for the OP's gear...

Hope the OP posts an update/take.

Brent Jesse still has Amperex Holland 6dj8's for well under $100/matched pair.

I would suggest that late 60's production that typically has an Orange/World Globe logo over the older Bugle Boy version.

I have not used recent production small signals tubes in anything owned/listened to for the past 20 years (with a few exceptions), so no opinion on the GL’s.

The later production Orange Globes were always one of my go to’s for the input tube in an Audion Night Silver Night 300B SET and also for a Consonance preamp that also used 6922 types.

It was a "go to" for balanced harmonically rich sound, but with more detail than some/most of my favorite Mullard types.

As you said you liked the Sovtek’s (aside from the bass) I figure that they might be what you are looking for.

They should be richer/fuller (still detailed), but with more bass bloom.

I would not recommend 7308’s for anything other than systems using FULL range speakers as they all seem to be shy of mid-bass.

When selling off my 6922 type collection (years ago) I noticed that satisfied buyers of the 7308’s all used large full range speakers (sans powered woofers and/or subs) which makes perfect sense to me.

However, they could work with a simple (non active) satellite/sub setup in which the stand mounts have a substantial mid bass bump/peak (like vintage LS3/5a’s) as they might help better blend the subs with the speakers.

I have other rec’s (my taste), but they would probably be too thick/full sounding for your taste.

What speakers are you using?


Interesting speakers as I looked @ them maybe 10 years ago, if it’s the same speaker (think around $1K/pair @ the time).

Anyway, as an affordable experiment I still hold with the Orange Globes (which are ready to buy from a reputable dealer well within your price range).

However, Brent may have other/better options if you email/contact him.

Never done business with Brent Jesse and just going by feedback from those who have.

Not keen on Kevin Deal, but this goes way back and it is of a personal nature (I have never purchased tubes from him, but attempted to purchase WE 300B’s years ago).

The Voskhod (rocket) tubes rec’d have been pretty much unattainable for the past 10 years (decent testing low noise versions), but if you can find a suitable pair you may like them.

The Mullard’s I used/enjoyed were later production 6dj8’s dimpled disc getter’s from Blackburn (I think) and dimpled disc getter ECC88’s from the Mitchum (sp?) plant.

They were saturated rich/creamy with somewhat loose bass and somewhat rolled off HF’s (awesome organic musical tubes in my gear).

Think I still have a pair of 1964 Amperex Hicksville 7308's as well as a sleeve of ecc88's (Japan), but not certain if I have any pairs of the tubes I used most (can't access them now anyway as they are buried).


Correction to my last post...

The Mullard Mitcham dimpled disc getters were E88CC's (not ECC88's/6dj8's).

I only came across 3 of them when purchasing lots of tubes on Ebay 18-20 years ago, so assume that they are fairly rare.

Two were labeled as Philips SQ (but the etched markings defined them as Mitcham production).

The other (3rd) one was labeled with the standard Mullard (non military) logo of the late 60's (early 70's?).

Think I may still have the single "Mullard" labeled tube somewhere (the SQ pair were quickly destroyed in an AI preamp as I did not know better @ the time).

Just to set the record straight for future Googler's.

PS:  I was never a tube dealer, just and experimenter/roller who purchased gobs of tubes when the prices were reasonable.

The most I ever asked for a matched pair of new testing 7308's (Siemens/Amperex/Telefunken) was $90 and 6922/6dj8's went for considerably less.

Karma paid off as I'm now rich, famous and extremely sexy.


Hope they hit the/your spot.

Liked the BB's as well/a lot (nice rich/balanced 6dj8 in my old gear).
