TechDAS lll experience

I am thinking of purchasing the TechDAS lll either the standard version or the Premium.  If you own either of these turntables please share your experiences and thoughts regarding purchase, set up, tone arm/cartridge choice, and the sound in your system.  Please also share if you are happy or not with your purchase.
Thank you both for your input.  I was, well still am hoping to hear from people like me home audio enthusiasts about their experiences with either version of the TechDAS lll.  I have read Michael Fremer’s review several times and every other review I could find on both TT’s.  But these are reviewers and I would like to hear what non reviewers guys like us with first hand experience think.
Reading the posts about the AF3P on what’s best forum kind of reminds me of being eight years old, in the 50s, when one could take the box top off a package of cold cereal and order a Lone Ranger Marshall’s  badge which had a built-in whistle on the back side. I and all my friends had to have it and then we talked about it extensively. The difference is that the badge only cost a quarter.
I agree wholeheartedly. 
I tried to participate over there and I discovered that the group is made up of about 20 regulars and the moderator is the "owner" of the site and seems to occupy some alternative version of the universe. The fact that his avatar resembles the male version of a glamor shot with much plastic surgery and make up is telling 
Not the AF III, but I have the V. It’s extraordinary. I feel once you go air bearing and vacuum hold down it’s impossible to go back. Very quiet table. The engineering and build quality is really something to behold. It also doesn’t get any easier to setup, operate, maintain. The whole package is just so well thought out. As an example, Honda makes the wiring harness between the motor unit and the power supply.