3 Albums To Be Stranded With On A Desert Island

If you were limited to only 3 albums to listen to for a very long, long time ... like if you were stranded on a desert island with a solar powered or hand crank music player .... what would they be?  Only 3 selections please!

My 3 would be the following:
Keith Jarrett Trio - The Cure
Weather Report - 8:30
Steely Dan - A Decade of Steely Dan

What would yours be?

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"Kind of Blue" -- Miles Davis
"Hats" -- The Blue Nile
"Achtung Baby" -- U2

I'd choose that trio not because I believe that they are the greatest albums ever made -- though each, in its own individual way, surely is  pretty great -- but because I've listened to those records more than any others over these many years. My thinking: If I keep on reaching for them when I've got so many choices available, maybe I'd not get sick of them on the desert island.

If not those three, then a subscription to Qobuz.

-- Howard

Maybe that is how I should have framed the topic in the first place ...
what are the 3 albums you reach for the most.
When I first owned "Achtung Baby," I would generally play it first thing in the morning, most every day, and then again when I got home from work. And maybe another time if I was around. I did this literally for months. Eventually, of course, I put it on a shelf. But not for long. All these years later, I still love it, from start to finish. Spun the double vinyl just a couple of weeks back.

I've also played "Kind of Blue" and "Hats" more times than I could possibly count. Always, with each, as a complete album, from the start to the end.

-- Howard