What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?

Above, Kenjit is trying to bait me into defending my speaker. To anyone wondering why I don’t take up the challenge, let me point out that what Kenjit is doing is a classic behavior of a narcissist: Baiting people into defending themselves in an unwinnable argument.  Narcissists like to be on the offensive. 

Kenjit’s technique for turning every discussion into an argument and then winning that argument is to be contemptuous and dismissive of the other person and whatever information or evidence they present. When only his statements are valid and only his evidence is admissible, the outcome of the argument is a foregone conclusion.  

If anyone other than Kenjit is actually curious about the questions he raises, let me know and I will reply to you. Otherwise, imo this thread is about one of Siegfried Linkwitz’s designs, not one of mine.

They put a lot of effort into it, although ultimately seem to get something out of it useful only to themselves.
Ah, you mean the old "gk" maneuver!  It is often hard to tell the difference between a narcissist and a plain old bully, but most bullies are narcissists.

audiokinesis2,272 posts05-25-2020 7:03pm... Kenjit is doing is a classic behavior of a narcissist: Baiting people into defending themselves in an unwinnable argument. Narcissists like to be on the offensive.

I plead guilty. I bait heaudio into unwinnable arguments. I have assured him I’ll let him win one sometime, just to keep him in the game. I have to have my fun, too.
And like a fly to ..... here he is.  A normal response would be, "I hope they are not talking about me", but the narcissist and the bully always want to be the center of attention.