What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?


Showing 13 responses by geoffkait

I have speakers I fell back on and sprained my back. 🤕 note to self: it looks like this is going to be one of those days 🤗
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I plead guilty. I bait heaudio into unwinnable arguments. I have assured him I’ll let him win one sometime, just to keep him in the game. I have to have my fun, too.
Aluminum is actually one of your softer metals. Way down ⬇️ on the Mohs scale of hardness. 2.75 to be specific. It’s still an interesting material when thick, like 2-3”.
PVC tubes are great for building Helmholtz resonators. There’s a simple formula for figuring out the resonant frequency Fr based on volume, nozzle length and nozzle diameter. I built a 60 Hz resonator out of 6” PVC pipe sections and PVC elbow joints. The trick is using the purple prep stuff just before applying PVC cement. My resonator was 15 foot long folded S shape.