What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?


Showing 11 responses by heaudio123

A bit unrelated but look at his recommendations for speaker placement and how he uses a different speaker placement for a speaker with a different radiation pattern. I think this shows nicely how speaker placement "calculators" are at best approximations and why you need to adjust the speaker (and acoustics if possible) to match the room and speaker.
At the same thickness PVC is similar in strength to MDF. With the "bend" forces exerted on a speaker enclosure, a tube is a significant advantage over a box making the comparative thickness higher but that would be compared to an unbraced box.
Schedule 40/6" is 7mm thick. Schedule 80 is 11mm thick. I am rusty on my structural eng.

Cylinders echo and gain? ... no, they behave pretty much like any other "tube" whether it is square or rectangular, but more consistent and easier to deal with.

All materials "ring". If you have a material that does not ring (at all), then it is probably not stiff (or only stiff in one dimension). You can always add dampening. Open the hood of your car and knock on the likely aluminum block. Tell me if it "rings".
Tell us something we didn't know.

I am primarily an audiophile rather than a designer.

Quit while you are behind. One Linkwitz mainly discusses stamped baskets which are low cost. Two he says that if there is a resonance it must be dealt with. There are many ways to deal with resonances. Do you have proof this speaker has not dealt with them.

It's painfully obvious you don't understand speaker design. 

Theres no evidence of performance provided and i see that the driver is screwed in. Linkwitz advises against this and he says that it "cannot be ignored when the goal is to design a loudspeaker of the highest accuracy."

As evidenced in your many posts, however, you are not remotely qualified, to evaluate how well a speaker works, or does not work just by "looking at it". You don’t appear to have even the most rudimentary understanding from where I am sitting.  That may be harsh, but how else am I supposed to say it. There are any number of ways that audiokinesis could have addressed the issue, and buyers always have the option not to buy.

I have circumstancial evidence by looking at the picture of the audiokinesis speaker. I have no reason to believe there is some elaborate method hidden inside the box that mounts the driver differently than the usual way. I have also seen pictures of many other high end speakers that just screw their drivers in and call it a day. I have no reason to believe otherwise with this speaker.

The onus of proof is on the manufacturer. Im not the manufacturer.
We have been taken for a ride long enough. The time has come for the tables to turn. They have got away with unverified claims for too long.

And like a fly to ..... here he is.  A normal response would be, "I hope they are not talking about me", but the narcissist and the bully always want to be the center of attention.
Ah, you mean the old "gk" maneuver!  It is often hard to tell the difference between a narcissist and a plain old bully, but most bullies are narcissists.

audiokinesis2,272 posts05-25-2020 7:03pm... Kenjit is doing is a classic behavior of a narcissist: Baiting people into defending themselves in an unwinnable argument. Narcissists like to be on the offensive.

That you see those qualities in yourself asvjerry, is probably the best indication that you don't have NPD. Those with NPD wouldn't see it, and certainly wouldn't admit it. The normal people see many of the qualities of personality disorders in themselves. The ones that don't are the ones you have to worry about.
I am of the personal opinion that Kenjit has never actually discussed speakers. To discuss speakers at the level he purports to what to discuss would require a level of knowledge of speakers, and acoustics that is certainly not self evident in the posts. The simple lack of acceptance that because no two rooms are the same, there can be no perfect speaker, or that because playback is a recreation of something with no where near all the original information, makes defining the perfect speaker impossible, shows Kenjit no possessing at this point the skills or knowledge to have the discussion that is being encouraged.

Lacking said knowledge, one gets hung up in implementation details, i.e. woofer/cabinet resonances, as opposed to more critical system level details, such as controlling off axis energy and time of arrival.

We all have narcissistic tendencies, it is what keeps us alive and can lead to success and drive, but NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), take it to a whole different level and is a recognized personality disorder in the The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Duke's post from the Mayo clinic mirrors the old DSM-IV description which is easier to understand. The updated DSM-V clinical description is here as well as a DSM-IV comparison. Not dealing with personality disorders can lead to a difficult and unhappy life, even though you may achieve a level of career success.
