Fully upgraded Rega P3 vs P8

Once again, I'm seeking advice from you guys.  I want to first say that I really appreciate all the helpful suggestions I've received here.  I don't really participate much except to ask questions but I'm just eager to learn.

I have a Rega P3 with pretty much all the upgrades:

external power supply upgrade
white belt
groove tracer reference subplatter
groove tracer delrin platter
groove tracer counterweight
Apheta 2 cartridge (I got this at an incredible discount so I couldn't resist)

First I should say I realize I should have saved my money on all the upgrades and bought a higher end tt to begin with but the P3 was my first serious tt and the upgrades were part of my journey

I have a feeling that with all the upgrades I have met and perhaps surpassed the performance of the P6.  I'm wondering if going to a P8 on an RP8 would yield a significant upgrade?  I realize that my table is outmatched by my cart.  I'm loving the sound right now and I don't have the itch to upgrade.... yet.  I'm just curious to see what folks think?  

thanks so much


Adam, in addition to what you have, I have the "Incognito tonearm wire" that runs from cartridge through the tonearm to input with RCA plugs.

I have a Grado Master cartridge, and presently, at this moment I'm grooving with some 6922 Telefunken tubes in the phono that put everything over the top. I'll give you an illustration using the LP I'm presently listening to, how good things sound.

Santana Abraxas is an LP I purchased in 1970, and since have worn out a few LP's. Today, each and every note is a revelation; that's after installing some Telefunken tubes in the phono. The rig is sounding so good, I would have to hear something better, or fall into a wadd of cash to even  consider any upgrade.
@orpheus10 did you notice a big improvement with the incognito rewire?  How does it compare with the other upgrades?  I found that the gt subplatter made the biggest difference followed closely by the TTPSU.  Is the upgrade on that level or less?  Thanks!
@guy-incognito  Thanks!  seems we had a similar journey.  I think somewhere down the line in the future lies a P8.  Glad you're enjoying yours!
Tone arm wire gave the biggest improvement.  Wire oxidizes over a period of time and doesn't conduct electricity as well, although you can't tell it until you replace it and notice the new clarity.

I wouldn't do it myself again, I would have it done by the people who sell the wire.

Happy listening!

When I upgrade, it will be to the Rega Planar 10. I don't have a permanent space for a turntable, therefore I like the light weight of the Rega's; I can easily set them up and take them down. That's in addition to the sound of course.