What is the best premp for Atma-Sphere MA-1 3.3 amp?

I am thinking about Atma-Sphere MA-1 amp to drive Sound Lab speakers. I can go with A-S preamps (MP-1 or 3) but I was wondering if there are better sounding or better value preamps that match well with MA-1 amp. I am new to tubes and am concerned about the tube hassle, but it seems that the improvement in 3D and clarity of tubes may be worth it. Any recommendations? I wan to stay slightly below the proverbial "point of diminishing returns."

Thank you for the explanation. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that even though Pass has more power at 1 kHZ than MA-1, it is the power requirement at bass that is more rate limiting because transients at bass frequencies makes up much of the amplifier's power demand. Did I get your concept right?

Its very hard to beat the MP-1 regardless of what other pre-amps you put against it. 

The MP-3 is almost 90 % of the performance and with Resistor and Caps upgrade Atma Provides I'm sure your getting a little closer.

I’m running fully updated MA-1s and MP3 with my big Sound Labs and I couldn’t be happier. The new Atma-sphere amp and preamp replaced a set of Manley Neoclassic 250 monos and an ARC SP16. And at the suggestion of Ralph Karsten, I am now running affordable balanced interconnects which replace multi-thousand dollar MIT Oracle RCA interconnects. I feel like I’m finally hearing the music instead of being a neurotic audiophile.  To say the least, I'm happy with the changes as well as the level of support I’ve received from Atma-sphere.  I've been an audiophile for 30+yrs and I'm experiencing levels of transparency and low level resolution I never knew I was missing.   
