How many people here generally buy used?

Just curious. Most of my equipment I purchased new. My Firstwatt J2 was a demo that I swear was new. Outside of a DAC where latest tech may be desired, buying used (if a fair price) seems to be a great way to purchase something you normally would not be able to afford. Of course, condition, care of component etc needs to be taken into consideration

All of my McIntosh was bought used from AC. Although used, every piece looked brand new. My Esoteric SACD player was bought as “exhibition stock” from Teac. My Sony Music Server was bought new but highly discounted. My GE speakers and Technics DD table were bought new as were the audio racks and speaker cable. My power conditioners and power cords and interconnects were all bought used. If I had bought all this equipment brand new, I would have paid more than double than what I did spend.
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My a/v processors/receivers I’ve bought new, as discontinued items when the new versions came out. Speakers were new demos I bought at lower $$ then used were selling for at the time, my Oppo 205 I bought from the last run they did, when MSRP was the best deal to be had. Everything else til now has been used with zero regrets.
75% used or demo.  A couple of trades mixed in.  I'm a bit squeamish about buying used TT's but perhaps I shouldn't be - have bought all tables new except one vintage AR over the years.  
I buy used.  Its hard to beat the bang for buck factor. I have bought new items but they are always heavily discounted or on clearance.