Bryston Amp Experience Needed

I am currently running Kef R11’s (rated 15-300 watts) with an Emotiva XPA-2 Gen 3 amp (300wpc).

I am looking to upgrade to a Bryston from the used market.

I can get a 3B3 (200wpc) for around 3K (which is my budget), or I can not eat for a few months and get a 4B3 (300wpc) for around 4K.

Since I am used to the 300wpc on the Emotiva - am I going to notice a huge difference with a drop to 200wpc with the 3B3?

I do like to crank up the volume from time to time, but I generally listen at low to medium volumes.  I also mostly listen to modern metal/rock/synth-pop/r&b/hip-hop, and a lot of Tori Amos.....

Thx !!
Lots of options for you!
whatever you do, don’t lower the power.

 A good amp will hammer the emo amp to shards!

 Better headroom, better parts.

check audiogon for a great amp, lots in here!


 if I were you, I would miss a few meals for the 300W Bryston!

 Huge difference. Quieter between passages, better parts, warranty, 

I own the xpa-1’s they have been boxed up for years now, they r ok, but the high gain, gives tweeter hiss.

 Try the Bryston, she is an amazing amp, and service!n warranty is TOP!
Keep the WPC/RMS above 300WPC for best sound.

accept nothing lower!

  Or, look for 7b’s used.

bryston is a good choice!
I’m not sure what the sensitivity (efficiency rating) is for your KEF speakers, but my guess is that the Bryston 3B3 will perform fine and sound great in your system. 

I have a 4B2 which is a wonderful amp but I had an in-home demo of a 2.5B3 with my difficult to drive Thiel CS 3.6 loudspeakers and OMG the power was fine with my stubborn speakers. The sound quality compared favorably with my 4B2. A slight lack of detail and me having to strain to integrate harmonies from musicians interacting with each other and background vocalists were better integrated into the overall sound for the 2.5B3. 
For low to medium volumes the 3B3 would be great. Now saying all I have the 4B3 would be greater-er! To be honest, I have not yet auditioned the 4B3, but I have such trust in Bryston, that when I get ready I plan to order one sans audition.
I would lose a few pounds and go with the 4B3 for the reasons that others have already mentioned. 
I am a big fan of the 4B3. It truly is a great amp. But what is the sensitivity of your KEF speakers?