Bryston Amp Experience Needed

I am currently running Kef R11’s (rated 15-300 watts) with an Emotiva XPA-2 Gen 3 amp (300wpc).

I am looking to upgrade to a Bryston from the used market.

I can get a 3B3 (200wpc) for around 3K (which is my budget), or I can not eat for a few months and get a 4B3 (300wpc) for around 4K.

Since I am used to the 300wpc on the Emotiva - am I going to notice a huge difference with a drop to 200wpc with the 3B3?

I do like to crank up the volume from time to time, but I generally listen at low to medium volumes.  I also mostly listen to modern metal/rock/synth-pop/r&b/hip-hop, and a lot of Tori Amos.....

Thx !!

Showing 2 responses by arcticdeth

Lots of options for you!
whatever you do, don’t lower the power.

 A good amp will hammer the emo amp to shards!

 Better headroom, better parts.

check audiogon for a great amp, lots in here!


 if I were you, I would miss a few meals for the 300W Bryston!

 Huge difference. Quieter between passages, better parts, warranty, 

I own the xpa-1’s they have been boxed up for years now, they r ok, but the high gain, gives tweeter hiss.

 Try the Bryston, she is an amazing amp, and service!n warranty is TOP!
Keep the WPC/RMS above 300WPC for best sound.

accept nothing lower!

  Or, look for 7b’s used.

bryston is a good choice!