Preamp with Phono $3-5k range

I know this has been posted many times before but why not add another one to the list.

I'm looking for a new Preamp with a Phono stage or possibly separate Pre and Phono. I'd like to not limit myself to future upgrades throughout my system as well. I'd like the ability to use a MC cart in the future and maybe step up to Balanced I/Cs too.

My current system is as follows:

  • Clearaudio Concept w/Concept MM Cart
  • Oppo 105
  • McIntosh MR7084 Tuner


  • Parasound Halo P5


  • Carver TFM-35x fully refurbished and upgraded


  • Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8

Everything in my system I like but I know my Pre is the weak link and it's time for an upgrade. I've not listened to anything better in my system and I'm open to suggestions across both SS and Tube platforms.

Some other things to point out is I'm already using high quality Audioquest I/Cs, Power Cords, Speaker Cables and don't want to change those right now.

Reading some good things about an new version from Cary.
I think it was about $5k.

Many good preamp ideas above.  I had a VTL 2.5i with phono to use for a while and it was fantastic...huge sound stage, smooth yet detailed.  Might be found used for under your budget.
Quick list update with recent recommendations:

  • Luxman CL-38uc
  • Modwright
  • Allnic
  • Anthem STR
  • McIntosh (C47)
  • Sanders Sound "The preamp"
  • Conrad Johnson ET3
  • Supratek Cortese
  • Rogue audio RH-5
  • Van Alstine
  • Ava Vision Q
  • Don Sachs with Project RS
  • Cary
  • VTL 2.5i

Keep the recommendations coming. I will definitely be busy doing my research for the next couple of weeks. 

Balanced isn’t stepping up. Balanced is stepping sideways, at greater cost. Same goes for separates.
This statement is at best misleading. If balanced is set up properly there's no going back to single-ended- lower noise, lower distortion, less cable interaction, no ground loops...

Separates can very easily outperform integrated equipment. This is not a mystery; separates have been around since the dawn of hifi. Its all about execution.
Preamps with an internal phono stage became a bit of a rarity after digital began ruling the audio world. So a preamp 'evolved' into a line stage. One nice exception to this high end audio rule was the Boulder 1010, released around 2001. It's also fully balanced, which apparently you're interested in.

This model had a very long production run and was replaced a few years ago by the 1110. The price of the new model has gone way up as is the current trend in high end, but it is now 'sans' phono stage. Boulder has never been exactly cheap, but used samples of the 1010 do appear on the market from time to time at prices around your $5k max. Its phono stage is excellent, although the gain of the MC stage at 60dB rules out the use of very low output MC's. In that case you should consider a dedicated low impedance step up transformer on its MM position.