About to audition Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand Reference - advice?

I have been listening to Aerial Acoustics 7Bs ( 86 dB sensitivity) for nearly 20 years.  About to audition the VA Beethoven Grand Reference.  90 dB sensitivity.  $12k.  I have a Balanced Audio Technology VK75SE - 75 watts.  700 Joules of power.
Question #1: I always felt the Aerials were under powered.  I'm going to hear the VA BGR with a Pass amp -- not tubes.  Does anyone have any LISTENING experience with this new speaker using 75 watts of tube power?
Question #2: Suggestions for speakers in the $8-12K range ... good for full orchestra (think Mahler 5th), jazz (HHancock, Miles, FHubbard etc), female vocals and 70s rock (Zep, AC/DC, Neil, Yes, Genesis).  Aesthetics are VERY important.  And space is an issue, so no large panels.

Congrats on your new VA speakers.  I recently bought VA BBGs, Symphony Edition (NOS).  What is the difference between the new Reference and the replaced Symphony Edition?  I find it interesting you liked Focals which to me are polar opposites from Vienna Acoustics.  Once again, weigh back in when they are broken in and congratulations!
Thank you for responding. I have considered the previous VA Beethoven's and found them just a little lacking in emotion on higher volume. I really like the sound at lower volume but some music cannot be played at lower volume, probably why Muzak doesn't have a version of Stranglehold. 

As mentioned before the Aerial 7T's have been on my list but I haven't heard them for years and I am not even sure if the local dealer is a dealer for Aerial anymore. 

But in your comments,  I take it that the new VA ref series is vary close in the voicing? I do love the VA woodwork and would be happy with them, but the local VA dealer won't bring any in till the old models are gone. Which I understand, and with the COVID I assume that may be a while.

Thanks again and sounds like you are happy with the new speaks!

PS: I liked the Focal Sopra 2's and probably would buy them but they just raised the price 4K and with all 5 speakers that would be about 6K and that just is out of reach for my wallet.

Hi Theo
Where are you located?  They are in Philly at David Lewis Audio.  The Reference sound great at low and high volumes...but the Focals do have an added zing.  I just cannot live with the look of them.  And without the covers on, they don't look right.  The finish on the VAs is exceptional.  Mine are in cherry.  I have been experimenting with different cables that I have at home (since The Cable Co lending library is currently closed).  The difference is not minor.

I'm going to play some Nugent now!!  Thanks for the suggestion.

JM, I am in Colorado so a bit far to go demo. I will say that the VA and Aerials both are much better looking and I do prefer wood over paint. I hope the VA dealer gets his sold so he can bring in the Reference, I have given up on the Aerial dealer, unless someone else picks up the line.

But thank you for sharing your experience 

Happy listening 

I am huge fan of VA. I have owned in the past, the Haydn Grand, Bach Grand, Mozart Grand and I think Beethoven Baby grand.

Not sure the difference between the reference version and these older ones.

The only speakers I thought beat them but sounded similar in how they do things so well were speakers from Sonus Faber (older models, not the new ones), Verity, and Devore.

I bought a Verity Parsifal to replace the VA it was much better, and then finally Devore Orangutans, my final speaker, that beat Verity handily.

Either of them (Verity, Devore) could rival the VA in looks and sound better IMHO.

And Devore speakers are much more tube friendly, VAs need SS to really sound good. Although high-powered tubes might work, but why do that if you can get better sound in a more efficient speaker designed for tubes like Devore.