Soundsmith - Thank you to everyone.



Too beautiful to go back to sleep

The morning sprite before the sun

black silhouetted trees that edge the world

respeak stillness as night’s undone


in quiescent twilight day is birthed

So perfect in its offering

infinite outcomes by love conceived

Immaculately separate from our suffering


To taste the dew that’s offered up

One would have to sacrifice

The comfort of one’s darkened view

The tradeoff believed that will suffice


So it’s a crow that breaks the dawn

Unravels peace that must unwind

And signals end to mornings birth

To usher deeds of manunkind


Too beautiful to be believed

timeless in its continuing

Miraculous to be conceived

So fragile in its offering



Peter Ledermann

My love does not set me free

But holds me down upon my knees

Upon the dirt, amongst the shoots

Hidden here within the trees


To weep so deep inside of war

To cry so loud outside of love

Till I become a river flow

Which into all other rivers go


If I could cry to water Spring

To wash each seed and whisper (grow!)

And thus become part of nurturing

So all the spring my heart could know


Through deepest soil my soul bestowed

If I could feel each shoot break free

I would feel the ice and snow

Recede into eternity

Peter Ledermann   

Peter, just to reiterate, we don't all go around on Möbius Loops of steel trap logic. Some of us actually need to live a bit. And listen to music. So, ignore the shrill noise from some, and be assured you, your employees, your operation...however it's run Lol...really totally valued by those of us who see in you a true artisan, happy to share, and producing products examples of which we can all afford
I'll aim to keep a bit more contact w you prior to sorting my SG repl stylii in short order.
Wish I could say the poetry surprises me, but not from Peter. Not after hearing his a record is a beautiful woman metaphor.

Oh and I found the SG thread over at and found a surprise in there from Peter. See, over in the Soundsmith having issues thread, a discussion inexplicably now closed, I had said the Strain Gauge has the look of a purpose made scientific instrument. So what a pleasant surprise to read Peter in the other thread saying there are two camps, the musical instrument camp and the scientific instrument camp, and his SG is the first to be mostly in the scientific instrument camp.

To you Peter I will say how your work reminds me of a story told among Porsche owners. It is said the German people have a word for when functional engineering is elevated to such a sublime level it merges with and becomes art. I don’t know the word. Don’t even know if the story is true. But it would be nice if it is. We would know what to call what you do.