Anyone use Naim with Zu?

Hey all, quick question...anyone try Naim gear with Zu? Looking to pair a Uniti Nova possibly with Omen Defs. Any impressions would be great, thanks!

I have not heard Naim gear with Zu speakers but I see no reason that they wouldn't sound very good. I do have experience with Zu speakers and a variety of amps.

Do tell please! Which Zu speakers models and what did you hear difference-wise between them?

Thanks and stay safe!

I have a pair of OMEN MK.II with upgrades that I purchased directly from Zu Audio. I've listened to them using the various amps or integrated amps I have (both tube and SS). The speakers sound good regardless of the amp I use.
My amplifiers are as follows in no special order:
Plinius SA Reference
Allnic T-1500
Conrad Johnson Classic Sixty SE
Luxman 590 AXII
Class D Audio SDS