Who has a McIntosh C70 anniversary preamp? Thoughts?

I'm thinking of selling my BHK pre. The C70 intrigues me plus it has tone controls (I like to boost bass a bit at low listening levels). I'm also looking for a little more "tubey" sound. Yes, I can roll tubes on the BHK...its just the C70 seems to have everything I want in a pre.
When I bought my C2500, the only reason I didn't get the C2600 was because It did not have a processor loop which I need.  I am very happy and I am only using the stock tubes.  The DAC module is something I do not use.  You can't go wrong with any of them and it just well be the last preamp you will need.
C 2700 or C 2600 if you want tubes.
C 49 or C 53 if you want solid state. 

i don’t know the px of the mac preamps that you’re looking at but the Luxman C-900u preamp has tone controls and will be something you’ll own a very long time. they can be had in the 8-9k range if you’re patient(list 15k). i believe and as do many others that you will find it incomparable.
I wonder how C900U compares to more high end tube pres like  ARC Ref 6, ref6SE, VAC renaissance MK V