How do you sort your LPs?

How do you sort your LPs?
1. Alphabetical Genre
2. Alphabetical Artist
3. Most listened
4. Others
I have procrastinated in organizing my collection. No excuses now.

Mostly by Classical vs. Everything Else.  Classical by composer but only when it makes logical sense.  Separate sections for boutique labels such as M.A. and Harmonia Mundi.  Operas and gigantic box sets on the top shelf because they collectively weigh less than single disc releases.  For aesthetic reasons, I sort the Opera box sets by record label.  The different labels all have their own box styles and it just looks better that way.  Oddball records, such as stereo test records and a single LP that is cut from the center outward toward the edge, have a single, special niche.
Two divisions...classical and everything else.
Classical is then alphabetical by composer.  Then sub-divided, symphonies, concerti, ensemble and then solo performances by instrument.
Everything else is alphabetical by artist.  Then sub-divided oldest to newest.
Otherwise, I can't find what I'm looking for.
I'm trying to create a database using Readerware, but it is TEDIOUS work and will take years!
Theo's got it.  Same way we file companies and paperwork at work.  
Continuity.  Got to keep it all the same.  Doesn't take much to ball me up.

From best to worst. ;-)

Yes. But we know you jest. Obviously these being LPs the correct answer is by VTA.