Best Preamp round $8000

Was looking at picking up either a used Mcintosh C1100 or a used AR Ref 6.
Being offered both around 8000. A audiogon member said I should start a thread about this because he felt that both preamps are overated and he owned both at 1 time. Would love members thoughts. Also on a completely different preamp I was being offered the ML 526 at $10,000. Thanks
Don’t have to drop 8K for a high quality pre.

unless you want tubes.

a great ss pre is “the preamp”
by Roger Sanders.

sanders sound systems.

roger makes an amazing little preamp.
It will compete very nicely with 8k preamps. ModWright LS 36.5 for a lot less and later you can send it back in for the Power Supply mod. if you feel it needs it. I run mine with SR fuse,WyWires PC and a Mullard GZ34 which really makes it sing. 
I will second the VAC Renaissance V recommendation as worthwhile to consider in your investigations. Excellent musical reproduction (phono section is a nice option) and factory support even if you purchase preowned...