Visiting audio stores?

This is probably the last concern on many people's minds, so I'm raising this just in case anyone feels like relaying their experience.

I've become pretty cautious about where I go and why. So, for me, I'm not going to any audio stores to listen to gear, out of caution about the virus. I do feel concern for these stores and how it will impact them. Are folks going? Anyone running an audio store who wants to comment? How are you coping? Are you changing any policies or running any more sales online? Changes in trial periods to help more people try out gear remotely?

Again, this is a minor concern given the larger dimensions of this virus situation, but I thought I'd reach out with a question.
@chrshanl37 I think I misinterpreted your remarks.  I think we're on the same page.


Here’s a link at six moons of a review of the MHDT Labs Orchid for you to check out.
My apologies as I misspoke about the MHDT Labs Orchid using a compliment of 6922’s tubes. It actually uses one 396A's or one of it’s many variants. It’s a great read too. I hope this helps.

Some dealers are amazing people but a few are definitely bad apples.

My experiences detailed below:
1. I made it clear starting out I care only for 2 channel. Dealer insisted surround sound receiver in case in future I wanted to add surround. Come to find out this dealer despite selling high end gear knows less than I do now when revisiting him. This is a shop in NY.

2. I also find shops in Manhattan usually having a snobby vibe about them, only helping those with deep pockets and giving attitude while doing their filtering.

When I find good dealers, I keep loyal to them forever.