These seem a bit pricey $$$

Saw Steve Guttenberg’s review of the Credo 900’s the other day. I realize there is a lot more involved in the cost of a speaker than parts costs - labor, insurance shipping, dealer margins. OK, that’s called business. But 12K for these?
Just seems a bit out of line.
No, I never heard them.  Maybe they're worth it.
I think it is a good review.  Speakers that look plain need to be reviewed even more - if you judged by looks alone you would buy Spendor A4s.  One thing that good speakers do is to image well and that was Steve's first focus.  Would I buy them?  No way.  My experience of Swiss products in general is that they are good but always over-priced.  I only have a single such Hi-Fi product - a Daniel Hertz M6 Pre.  It is very good but with, as expected, a very high price.  
Post removed 
Swiss taxes and trump duty..

 Shd v sound good tho, drivers are excellent. That doped rev midwoofer is the best 5.25" on market imo. tweeter I think is from SB.  But just not sure I believe the specs ie 89 db..
   I would love to have a listen to those, never had a bad experience with odd speakers that use Scan Speak drivers like North Creeks, and Norhs. I enjoy SG’s videos, thanks for posting. 
    It strikes me a little funny that 12k is a crazy number when millions of people a year pay 6 - 8k for watch you can buy at every mall in America.
danvignau wrote:Imagine what great stuff you could buy for $12,000 if you were on a budget.

 I agree, my setup is about $25,000 list but "only" cost about $10000 used.

So...I got to ask. What does anyone think about Tyler Acoustics?
