Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....

Things like the CT-7000 from Yamaha, other Marantz, Magnum, Fisher, Scott or any others.  It would be good for us "tuner people" to hear your experience with older, former SOTA tuners.  Thanks. 
I loved FM and for years had a succession of great tuners and antennas.  How things change.  My current tuners are a McIntosh MR78, modified by it's designer Richard Modaferri, which is greater than the program material available here in South Florida.  We also have a nice little tuner in our home in the Boston area, Perregeaux maybe (?).  UPS managed to completely destroy a wonderful Kenwood 600T that I cherished for years.  I had a Marantz 20 years ago, not sure what possessed me to part with it.  We also had a Tandberg that was a hot item in the day, that got sold because I needed the money.  These days if you live where there is a decent signal and programing you like you are in the distinct minority. 
I am running a Modafferi-refurbed McIntosh MR78 in my music system.

Tuners in storage are Acoustic Research Tuner, Magnum Dynalab Etude, and SAE 8000. Gave away my Classe Tuner 1.

And tuner sections reside in random other components, like Magnum Dynalab MD208 receiver, Emotiva PrePro, etc.
In my experience the Modafferi modded MR78 and the last Sequerra are about equal and as good as tuners get.  Or put another way they and some of the others mentioned exceed the best broadcasts available that I can find.  Years ago we could listen to live performances that had great sound, but for my environment these are no longer available.  And good luck finding a good antenna these days.
This may not be much, but for other/secondary FM use, the Nakamichi Soundspace 5 radio is super for what it is and for the used prices it seems to bring...and for a bit more in a secondary use, the Nakamichi SR-3 receiver is an early, Nelson Pass influenced, superb receiver for secondary use...or a college dorm, etc.