Hunt for new floor standers

Having sold my speakers, I’m in the hunt for a new pair of floor standers. I’m stepping up my game from the PSB Silver i’s that I had for years. I’d be interested in hearing from fellow Audiogoners about their suggestions for 2 channel, audio only towers. I’d like good bass response and prefer not to invest in a sub. Having said that, high end clarity is a must as well. Currently I’m using a tubed Rogue Super Magnum 99 preamp and a SS Belles 150A Hot Rod amp. In short time I may opt out of the Belles amp but for now it’s stays. I’ve auditioned the KEF R700 and the Sonus Faber Chameleons and liked them both but I’m not sure how either would play with my rig. My budget allows for mid $2K max and I’m OK with used equipment that’s been well taken care of. Insightful input is appreciated.
There’s a nice pair of Joseph Audio RM25 Signature lls available at US AudioMart for $1200 that are local pickup only in the Orlando area.  They are excellent all-around speakers and well worth the drive to go listen to if possible, and I think they’d sound superb with your Rogue pre and Belles amp.  Best of luck in your search. 
@axspike — Go to and punch in Joseph Audio and you should see them.
You have a great dealer in Palm Beach for Vandersteen and other notable brands and you could decide for yourself how they sound.
The Revel recommendation is a good one also, Buddy has a pair w EL34 amp, quite good.