Lets talk dedicated lines

About a year ago I installed a dedicated 20 amp line for my system...and went as far as modding the whole power structure from the street transformer to my panel to my house...at some fairly major expense. The result was certainly an improvement for my system.
Recently i got to thinking that a lot of us have a system that utilizes the standard 15amp line that more than likely only supplies one other component in our rooms...and that is the lights. While lights can be noisy on the system, particularly if they are halogens, then this is a source of considerable hash and noise. However, since the only other thing shared by this line are the lights...and not the more power hungry grabbing stuff..like the refrigerator, or the Ac etc, then simply playing the system in the dark should essentially allow for a dedicated line effect to materialize on the gear that is attached to this line as well. The standard room convenience outlet( which is what we are talking about here) is 15 amp breaker protected and is only supplying the lights and the convenience outlet in a room....so ( assuming that this is the case--and the lights are the only thing supplied besides the outlet) what is the real advantage to the 'true' dedicated line ? Twenty amps is more than a lot of auto gear needs, so I doubt that is the issue...thoughts?
Betting your system sounds real fine, however that red carpet and wallpaper......reminds me of a cathouse in New Orleans LOL.
How to handle a dirty power source?  I did it by installing a regenerator.  I was amazed at the solid sound field and lack of "hearing the electricity" as I had for several years.  
Problem solved---consider a regenerator.  
I rewired my entire house and installed a 20 amp dedicated line with a PS Audio outlet.A year ago I moved my system to the other side of the room,intending to do a quick rerouting of the wiring later.Still haven't gotten to it.So it's plugged into a regular outlet attached to seven other outlets and two lights.I can't hear a difference.It's actually the first outlet in the series about six feet from the breaker box.I was sure the SQ was going to suffer but it really didn't.
Back about 20 years or so, put in two twenty amp breakers and 2 dedicated lines from breaker to stereo location.  A few years later, split one off to a koi pond and greenhouse.  Two years ago went solar and new panel, dropped the breakers from twenty to fifteen amps.  Never had a ground problem before or after.  Back in the two prong power plug days, hum and noise was a constant problem, hours chasing the source and or fix.  I use two Brick Wall surge suppressors and a Monster Power HTS 5100 for sources.  With or without using the Monster there is no noise, the Monster looks better than an outlet strip.  I like the voltage display on the Monster and it stays constant at 120V, unless it is July & 114 degrees outside.