Usless but interesting many of you old timers started with original Large Advents?

It was actually my second "real" system...but it is simply historic how many people that love great audio systems and the music they allowed us to enjoy started or at one time owned the original Large Advents.  If there is to be a list of the most influential audio products of all time, the Large Advent would be at or near the top.  I guess another interesting question would be how many sets of these Large Advents are still in use.  My brother in law and my sister still have a set of Small Advents in use in their den. 
Large Advents were my first real speakers, mid 70's era. I blew a tweeter at some point in the 80'sand ended up with Polks somehow. Details are fuzzy. I held onto the Advents for years before selling the pair and the replacement tweeter about 8-10 years ago.
I love some of the age prejudice comments.  With the aging of the Boomers it seems like age prejudice is the "in" prejudice.  But we have to remember that Boomers are the only segment of our population that will age...all others are exempt. 
My first real audio system was built around a pair of the original large walnut Advents. I later added a second pair to have "stacked Advents". They were $250/pr back in  74-75, and were "fair traded" meaning that dealers were prohibited by Advent with selling them for less than that.
@strindl8 Good reminder.  I sometimes mention "fair trade" in my posts here and I am not sure people understand that environment.

Basically, they "shopped" your store, and any discount on a fair trade item immediately lost you their line, period.

I had many arguments with customers back then over this.  Sorry, the line is worth more to me than your business.  Some came around, some did not.  The most stubborn were, of course, the ones with the most money.

One nameless famous person flew his plane over to my city and would not leave without a discount.  Sorry, he left without it.  I wanted to tell him that the gas for the plane was more than the few hundred dollars we were discussing, but discretion won out.

He finally called and bought the item.  He told me NO ONE in the country would discount them to him, so...fair trade was a powerful tool back then.

I had KLH....don't  remember the sound, but they bought me many hours of music discovery