Usless but interesting many of you old timers started with original Large Advents?

It was actually my second "real" system...but it is simply historic how many people that love great audio systems and the music they allowed us to enjoy started or at one time owned the original Large Advents.  If there is to be a list of the most influential audio products of all time, the Large Advent would be at or near the top.  I guess another interesting question would be how many sets of these Large Advents are still in use.  My brother in law and my sister still have a set of Small Advents in use in their den. 

Showing 2 responses by richopp

Everyone had them back in the day.  We were into LOUD and they seldom broke, although a tweeter would go every now and then.

Stacked pairs were the cat's meow.  Interesting how today almost all high-end speakers are 6' tall.  Wonder where they got that idea (Magnepan) and how it is working out for them?

When I got my shop in 1973, I put a pair of Advents--thank you, Henry Kloss--you were the man back then!--on one of our good systems and got an instant education in how inaccurate they were when played next to our Tympani series of Maggies.

BUT, then I listened to EVERY OTHER SPEAKER in my shop and figured out that boxes were always going to be limiting to the music.  The electrostatics (Quads, RTR's (hybrid) and others were almost as good as the Maggies, but listening fatigue was fast and they were rather shrill and unbalanced to us.  The biggest joke and the one that had us laughing the most were the Bose 901 "direct reflecting" speakers.  They were removed from the store and returned the next day.  What a joke they were.

Anyway, education is a wonderful thing, and I had an opportunity not given to many as I had 30 different brands and various models in the shop.  The only boxes that were passable were the Fulton 80's and 100's.  I have not heard them in many years, but back then, they were several steps up from the Advents.

We loved the Advents in their day, and appreciated them at the time.  But you have to move on eventually, so glad we had them and glad they are gone now.

@strindl8 Good reminder.  I sometimes mention "fair trade" in my posts here and I am not sure people understand that environment.

Basically, they "shopped" your store, and any discount on a fair trade item immediately lost you their line, period.

I had many arguments with customers back then over this.  Sorry, the line is worth more to me than your business.  Some came around, some did not.  The most stubborn were, of course, the ones with the most money.

One nameless famous person flew his plane over to my city and would not leave without a discount.  Sorry, he left without it.  I wanted to tell him that the gas for the plane was more than the few hundred dollars we were discussing, but discretion won out.

He finally called and bought the item.  He told me NO ONE in the country would discount them to him, so...fair trade was a powerful tool back then.
