Anyone have experience with the Tung Sol 7581a vs. EL34, KT66, KT88, 6L6

I broke down and added another power tube (Tung Sol 7581a) to my collection.  That can get expensive as my Primaluna Dialogue HP Premium integrated has 8 power tubes.   

Why has this tube escaped me thus far?  Why is it not more popular?   Many folks don't sell this reissue tube.  

I think this is a great deal.  I was torn between the lush, thick midrange of the EL34 and the more evenly spread out sound of the KT88.  But the KT88, for all its more correct behavior didn't romance me like an EL34.  

The 7581a from Tung Sol can be had cheap and I really like them.  [I'll spare you all the audiophile terms].  They check the boxes that I was looking for. 

Does anyone have experience, information or knowledge about this splendid tube?  

PS  The next experiment is KT150s but I can't see doing it if I'm gonna lose any of that great EL34 midrange. 
Hi Just saw your post rel the 7581A. I bought a pair for my Dennis Had HO Inspire "Hot Rod" amp and really love them. I bought the amp used, it came with KT66s.

I bought the 7581 from Tung Sol and really love them, great sound - much warmer than the KT66 IMO. I also bought NOS RCA 6F6G Power Pentodes and have landed here. 

I tried the KT66, 7581, KT120 but really love the 6F6G and haven't gone back. They don't put out as much power (it seems that way) but I have high efficiency speakers and they play plenty loud for me i.e. the preamp volume control is always at 9:00 position, so the 6F6G has plenty of power for me your results may vary but I really do like the 7581A tubes - can't go wrong with them, just my 2 cents

485 posts

Latino ST-70. I’m thinking about also trying a inexpensive EL-34 (EH) so I can experience the supposed magic.

I've heard EL34 that brought magic to the room, I've heard EL34 that made me leave the room. Don't get too cheap. You'll hear some of the worst bass and highs you ever heard. On the other hand, 6L6 like the RCAs, GOOD vintage GE are the benchmark of quality BASS and mids,
little lacking on the top, but what a GEM. Before I ever Roll power tubes, I  always check them.. I prefer to change the signature, with the signal tubes. FIRST. RCAs, Telies, Amprex or Volvos, Solvex then Mullards, everything after that may sound good, but be aware. Cheap valves can really tear up a great amp or speakers..

KT 90s are a great sounding valves, (very close to a 6550 / kt88 hybrid sound) Very clinical. I like them MUCH better than the 120 or 150s. Second they hold up forever.. Almost.

@oldhvymec Just checking that you know the thread is about replacing EL34 et al with new Tung Sol 7581A for a big improvement. 
Ran GL KT88s in my Cary Rocket 88 but missed the wonderful mid's of  EL34s. Rolled in a set of the Tung-Sol reissue EL34s and the magic is back. However, I purchased as my 'back-up' tube set and they are 'on-the-shelf' as I've rolled in a quad of GL KT77s, which, as stated above, are the creme-de-la-creme of EL34s. They were the 'keepers' in my previous CJ amp and same in the Cary. But, based on the theory (never disproven) that one cannot have too many tubes, I want to try a set of the reissue Tung-Sol 7581As. Failing that, I'll go with their 6L6GC-STR.