Smooth sounding integrated

I’m looking for a smooth sounding solid state integrated amp that is not muffled sounding for less the $1000. Is there anything like this? Years ago I had a Denon stereo receiver that sounded pleasant for tv and movies in our lively family room. A lot has changed since then and would like to try going down this road again, but with a better integrated amp for the family room.
Bel Canto C5i is smooth and clean  as it gets and might be had used for under $1k. 
You'll probably want more than 50 watts with your Silver 6s. They measured at 87 dB.
VINTAGE : Not an integrated but can be used like one: Parasound HCA-1000A. Has volume pots on the back so it can play clearly and cleanly without a preamp: good power (125w/CH 8 ohms), good current, (45 amps) great damping factor (800). If you want more - go to the HCA-1500...
I'll look into Yamaha and Bel Canto too. Looks like I have lots of options to further my search for an amp. Thanks