Portable CD Player with Digital out

Doing some travelling this summer and will be spending some time in hotels. I was thinking of getting a Discman with a digital out and hooking it up to an old EAD DAC, a good headphone amp and some Senn's. Does anybody have some ideas about this or some recommendations based on personal experience with this situation.

I think Marantz makes a hefty portable with digital out. Check out Full Compas catalog.

any updates/links to portables/compact CD players with digital out? Are portable units with SP/DIF outputs dead because of thw power ( ~ 10mW) draw of this interface versus the desire for 50 hour plus battery life from 2AA batteries ?

I simply doubt there would be enough of a demand for such a component
today. Most likely there is more of a demand for iPod type players with digital
Well, I have a new, never-played Radio Shack CD-3400 (I just dropped out of audio for quite awhile due to family
issues). Can anyone advise: should I just start to play around with this thing, or are folks out there just dying to find one of these and willing to pay a nice (even silly)
price? I'm pretty interested in the whole portable high end
question now, but it's all a matter of figuring out priorities. Thanks!