Anyone experienced the Luxman MQ-300 or/and The Air Tight ATM-300R?

Considering one of those 2 to drive Devore Super 9 in a 14X16 living room..
Any thoughts?


I can get 30% off Luxman from 3 different dealers. Ive never gotten less than 20% for any brand and I have well over 200K worth of gear. You have to know how to shop I guess.


Sorry I saw your question just now.

I went with the Nagra 300p that I found at a very attractive price in the used market.

I still believe the Luxman MQ-300 to be a far better sounding amp, but I wanted to see what a 20W push-pull would do for my system compared to a 8W SET (I have one already, so can compare).

But while auditioning in NYC I came across an integrated amp that I believe would be my endgame amp, which is what I am saving up for, want to get it sometime later this year. It did things to my music that I never heard an amp do. The Engstrom Arne.

I first read about it in the audioexotics forum, and after  listening to it I understood what those guys in that forum meant by the term "super high-end".
I have never heard of it but just googled it.
i am sure it sounds fantastic. Where have you demoed it?

I demoed it at Innovation Audio in NYC. The owner (I think) Elliot is a great guy and fantastic host and a knowledgeable audiophile.