Anyone experienced the Luxman MQ-300 or/and The Air Tight ATM-300R?

Considering one of those 2 to drive Devore Super 9 in a 14X16 living room..
Any thoughts?

Showing 15 responses by h_bomb

Yes. I love the system I have right now. I used to be all shindo amp/pre and switched recently.
Thanks ! I think it would probably be worth the try as I am using a MQ 88 U se right now and I rarely push my pre pass 9 o’clock .
Thanks everyone. I’ll probably hear the LUXMAN in my system soon and I have the feeling It will work.
Thanks Charles, you are totally right about trying in your own set-up . What is really a surprise for me is that it is actually much more powerful than I thought. 
I actually think they are 2 superb superbs amplifiers and I might keep both. The 300 though has a built I had never seen before though. It is really a statement product. 
I finally got one in my system and first impressions are pretty fantastic. Power is actually much more than enough. I actually don’t hear a difference of volume/power when compared to the KT-88 weirdly.
I have been listening to all kind of music since yesterday and can’t detect any flaws or limitations . I had 300B amp before including the little Sophia’s with the Royals but nothing compare to it. Just great.
Hi Essrand,
what is your system right now? I saw the posts about your amp quest but I do not know what you ended up choosing.
Hi Keith,
I just saw your system. Do you  still have the Bardo?
Also the max rebate for Luxman is around 15%..

I have never heard of it but just googled it.
i am sure it sounds fantastic. Where have you demoed it?

I haven’t have the time to even contact the store and I am truly happy with the configuration I have now. To be able to test the 2 would need to hear them with the exact same configuration which is complicated. At the end I’ll have maybe to sell all amp/pre as I am thinking of moving back to Europe..