Considering going back to Solid State

I have had and Audio Research REF5se now for a few years and love it. Let me be clear, I love the sound and am not wanting to trade back to SS for anything it does wrong. But I am wanting to simplify and get away from tubes and the heat and concern for hours, etc.

So I am seeking advice in the 10-15K range on solid state pre-amps that would be comparable in performance to what I now have. Considering the Ayre 5 series, SimAudio Moon, McIntosh as a few considerations. Which brings me to you, any experience that you have had making a similar comparison would be helpful.

The rest of the 2 channel side is a Mc402 Amp and Revel speakers, how ever in the next month I plan to either buy the Sopra 2's or the Sonus Olympica Nova III, all cardas wiring in case this helps.

Thank You in advance


By experience, I think having a tube preamp and the rest solid state is a good "compromise." I missed tube sound when I switched to a solid state preamp, so I went back to running a tube preamp. 
Well first off, I want to thank you all for the great responses and advice. I would like to answer a few questions, if I may to start.
Erik, the thought had crossed my mind but prefer to keep amplification separate.
Tricon, Pass is another I want to explore, but no local dealers in Colo.Stereo5 I had a number of McIntosh Pre-amp processors and a few stereo preamps. I do like the McIntosh sound and build quality, but want to try something else and also thinking maybe down the road a different amp. I have had McIntosh amps in my system for 30 years or more (feeling old here).
Tricon, Pass is one I want to explore, but no dealers in Colo
I do want to try Ayre as I have always appreciated their sound and quality, I still have. C5xe Andy love it.
You have all provided great suggestions and I hope to see more. What I really appreciate that it makes me realize that I am not crazy for thinking of doing this. So to Mahgister, what do you suggest, your statement leads me to believe you have something in mind?
Interesting thread.  I can understand why people might switch to SS to get away from the added effort and maintenance of tubes.  But I will be very interested as to what SS preamps can "replace" a top-performing tube preamp in what it does best, the portrayal of space.
Another vote for Pass Labs.  If I was ever to leave tubes, (for preamps) that would be about the only brand I would consider.

Ayre is very good also.
By the way both Pass Labs and Ayre references were compared to the Coda 07x in the same system, and in the context of this system, the Coda was more tube like in both color/tonality and the ability to create 3D imaging and more space/air around the individual players.  Compared to the Coda the other two SS preamps sounded slightly flat and a bit washed out overall. The overall advantage I heard with the Coda 07x held true regardless if was driving SS or tube based amplifiers.