Joseph Audio dealer in the northeast?

I'm very sorry to start a new thread but I've done everything else I can think of, including posting in other existing threads here and writing to the company. They're not exactly like unicorns but maybe snow leopards: many reports but few actual sightings. I can find one rather obscure dealer on Long Island, Doug's Tubes, though it barely looks like a stereo store.

So: does anyone know any dealers in the Northeast? 

Many thanks!

Many years back, I knew The Music Store in Greenfield, Massachusetts, to be a Joseph Audio dealer. Though I've not been there in forever, when I just now checked online, I found they still listed Joseph Audio among the lines they carry. ( Might be worth a call or an email.
-- Howard

Thank you for respoding, pkelley. I appreciate it

Still: anything in NYC or Boston? Anything in Montreal? I can make my way to Philly but that's an 8 hour drive. Oh well! I've never seen the Liberty Bell.
Howard--I was responding to the first post when you responded. Greenfield would be MUCH better! Thank you!