Is the Monarchy DIP effective?

Considering buying a Monarchy DIP between a Sony 7700 dvd and a CAL Sigma 24/96 dac. Would I benefit using one and how much of a difference can I expect?
I now plan to use my Oppo BDP 83 as a transport to a McCormack DAC-1. Connection would be via Toslink.

Would a Monarchy DIP (not the 24/96 version) or an Audio Alchemy DTI V2.0 be worth inserting to the signal chain? Would I get any SQ benefits or would it be detrimental?
I'd be connecting the Oppo to the DIP or DTI v2 via Toslink and then connected to the DAC-1 via Digital Coax. Possibly the Black Cat Veloce from Chris Sommavigo.

Thanks everyone and advise when you can.
I own a Oppo BDP83 and a Monarchy DIP classic. However, I use the Oppo for video/surround only. I run the Monarchy between a Wadia 170i and outboard DAC. Although this doesn't necessarily answer your question, what I have found with the Monarchy is a definite improvement. If it will improve your "signal chain" in your configuration, I cannot say.
I've owned the Monarchy DIP and its benefits are marginal in my experience and with quality modern digital gear its probably not much of a benefit. I have no desire to own it again. On the other hand its relatively inexpensive, so....YMMV.
Jedinite - The jitter measurements for another Oppo player (the DV970H) using SPDIF were multiples higher than other budget DVD players according to measurements taken in 1 2007 generally-positive Stereophile review by Wes Phillips. I would look for BDP 83 measurements but that suggests that a DIP would help with your model.
I just tried the Monarchy 48/96 with my Squeezebox Touch and I just sent it back.
I found no benefit using it.