Power/Current: How much is realistic?

Rebuilding my system, Just got a pair Martin Logan 13A, B212. Just looking for insight on how much power/ current
would be enough without going overboard and throwing $$ away. I know i am only driving the panels. Had a Krell fpb-300, 400cx, 350mcx driving M/L Oddessy Descent i. Should i go up to 600watt?  Looking for that last amp without spending a fortune on something i do not need. Thanks, Mike
Yep, Sounds reasonable . Think i will shy away from class D 
Do not think i want to go thru trying and returning amps. I will look for a dealer around here for Pass .Not any for Sanders  
Be sure to check out CODA Power Amps. They are high current, heavy duty transformers, double down to 4 or 2 ohms. Good looking to boot. Punch way above their price point. The Sanders amps are a good choice as well. Just slightly to the warm side of neutral. Read reviews on these too.
Absolutely. I have owned JRowland, Edge, Audio Research, Unico and SimAudio power amps. My current CODA CSX in silver 330W x 2 into 8 Ohm Load 660W into 4 Ohm Load
2 Ohm Load Stable
Class A operation to 25W
5 Hz to 100 kHz
.04% from 10Hz to 20kHz driven into 4 to 8 ohm loads.
Damping factor: 150
50k Ohms unbalanced 1k Ohms balanced
3.0 kVA toriodal transformer, high speed rectifiers and 80,000uf capacitance and a 10 year warranty!

Best amplifier by far for my system and taste has been the CODA CSX REGARDLESS of price. I hope this data helps. Tom
"2 Ohm Load Stable"

 So is a a 1980’s 20w NAD 3020 integrated.

Doesn’t mean it can "drive" the loads of speakers with 2ohms impedance

Quoting this "meaningless manufactures statement", "2 Ohm Load Stable" hoping readers/customers are gullible enough to think the amp can drive without a sweat a pair of Wilson Alexia’s, all it means is the amp won’t blow up seeing 2ohms.

A more meaningful quote would be:
"this amp can double it wattage for each halving of impedance down to 2ohm and remain stable"

Cheers George