Power/Current: How much is realistic?

Rebuilding my system, Just got a pair Martin Logan 13A, B212. Just looking for insight on how much power/ current
would be enough without going overboard and throwing $$ away. I know i am only driving the panels. Had a Krell fpb-300, 400cx, 350mcx driving M/L Oddessy Descent i. Should i go up to 600watt?  Looking for that last amp without spending a fortune on something i do not need. Thanks, Mike

Showing 2 responses by georgehifi

Hang on, I have a 3020 and 3 ohm Apogee Stage... be right back.....

Here's two amps "both 2ohm stable", "both 20w into 8ohms"

Nad 3020 (20w-8ohms)

Mark Levinson ML2 (20w-8ohms)

To a "certain volume level" which will drive and sound better into the Apogee's horror loading?

Cheers George

"2 Ohm Load Stable"

 So is a a 1980’s 20w NAD 3020 integrated.

Doesn’t mean it can "drive" the loads of speakers with 2ohms impedance

Quoting this "meaningless manufactures statement", "2 Ohm Load Stable" hoping readers/customers are gullible enough to think the amp can drive without a sweat a pair of Wilson Alexia’s, all it means is the amp won’t blow up seeing 2ohms.

A more meaningful quote would be:
"this amp can double it wattage for each halving of impedance down to 2ohm and remain stable"

Cheers George