Power/Current: How much is realistic?

Rebuilding my system, Just got a pair Martin Logan 13A, B212. Just looking for insight on how much power/ current
would be enough without going overboard and throwing $$ away. I know i am only driving the panels. Had a Krell fpb-300, 400cx, 350mcx driving M/L Oddessy Descent i. Should i go up to 600watt?  Looking for that last amp without spending a fortune on something i do not need. Thanks, Mike

Showing 18 responses by fruitloopsr

No There awesome Just thought u were bias to them I have always owned Ml from cls2z and up to these 13a  Never had problem driving them just looking for what was to much power to invest in Now i have monos that probably to much power but did not cost a fortune.And no problem  being up there with megabuck amps Had big Mirage,Infinity just no comparison to my ears.Sound like a box. Unless i had boatload of funds.Love your posts,Like i said i tried those bdr cones,SR migs still evaluating. Thankx for insight.
Sanders website has some very good info that i was not aware of.
Did not know anybody had lifetime warranty. Definetly look into them.

Guess some people dont like stats:(  I love em, Looking at the Pass, Never looked at Sanders I will take a  look at Sanders  I have had a Threshold S500 Just wanted some advice if i need 1000 watt or would lower be fine with the 13a . You know 25 grand vs.15grand  What about current? Thanks all
Guess i will look for regulated power supplies. All this knowledge you need to know.Yikes
Was also considering AR tube end Personally never heard with M/L 
Also had AR Pre Ls25m2 with ss amp.Looking at options, but my ears will decide. 
Thanks Al for some insight
Let me ask Anyone have tried the combo of Pass or Sanders amps with M/L 13A if so what do you think?
Was considering Pass x600.8 or x260.8 Would i ever use that power with these panels. Would there be a difference in sound or just a waste of power.
Thanks for your input .Now i just want to research options for class D 
Ok do not crucify me. I did some research on it here and i get dizzy with it
Any comments or just stay with what i know..
Yep, Sounds reasonable . Think i will shy away from class D 
Do not think i want to go thru trying and returning amps. I will look for a dealer around here for Pass .Not any for Sanders  
A big Thanks to all who posted I just pulled the trigger on a pr. of Coda Tm monos. Will let you all know how they sound with my  M/L 13a's.
 Another shout out to tom6897 Thankx
Just waiting for the new Coda 07x Pre to come in.  Doug is making a new run now, Pretty busy after that review. Stay in touch.