Need help with Qobuz please...

... I just signed up last night and set it up on my old iPhone 7+ and hooked it up to my main two channel system. I don't have a DAC just yet so I am running the 7+ thru a tube pre into my McIntosh pre....

Here is what I need help with... I can't for the life of me figure out how to control the 7+ with my iPod from my chair.....

When I try it disconnects my 7+ and plays thru the iPod. Sorry if this is simple but my simple butt can't figure it out and you folks are very helpful...

Thanks Mitch

btw... Spotify works like that with ease....
What you describe is called Spotify Connect and Qobuz does not do it. I got  Blusound Node 2i to accomplish what you are trying to do. Works great...
Thank you... I knew I could count on AG for help! 

I’m looking at streamers now.... :)
Might take a look at this unit if your just going to do Qobuz. They are pricey new but you can pick them up for 5 to 8 hundred bucks here and USAudiomart.
Here is a review of the BDP-1.  There is one on here for for about same price as Denon.