Streamers with best apps?

I tried this question on an Australian forum with no luck, so I'm hoping a more audio savvy community might do better. I currently have a Cambridge Audio CXN which as I discovered has 2 hopeless apps when you want to find classical albums saved on Tidal My Collection. So thinking of ditching the CXN and getting another streamer/server , preferably without a DAC as I will be running it through a Pure Audio Lotus DAC 5. Most reviews of streamers seem to focus entirely on sound quality but as I have discovered the apps used are of almost equal importance. I have considered an Elac Discovery DS-S101-G which is controlled by a Roon Essentials app. So first question. Does anyone know how the Essentials app lists classical albums in Tidal My Collection and does it have a search function for the albums saved? Second question what streamers can you recommend that at least are equal and preferably better than the Tidal app which does have a search function but very little logic as to how it lists classical albums. I have thought about the Bryston BDP Pi, Innous Zen mini or an Auralic streamer but know nothing about the usability of their respective apps. So anyone out there who can help.
It’s a pity both BluO’s and Amazon HD can’t get on the same page and integrate properly together. Anyone else experience this? Anyone using the BluO’s app to stream Amazon Ultra HD is only able to stream only one track at a time before your selection just stops!! Forget about streaming a whole album! To do that you need Tidal. At least the BluO’s app integrates with Tidal well enough to allow you to do that. Think I will be going back soon...

I haven’t tried the Roon IOS app. It seems this fella opened up a real can of worms 🐛 with this thread. I’m quite disappointed in BluO’s for not having their act together when it comes to the development of their app and half baked integration with most streaming services. BluO’s doesn’t accept any responsibility and blames Amazon and of course Amazon blames BluO’s! The end user (ME) doesn’t care who’s fault it is and just wants it to work! 
Well at least Tidal works with BluO’s even if it is a rather clunky experience. 
I think Qobuz works well on the BluOS.  For me the experience is equal to using the Qobuz stand alone app on my Android phone
Somewhat clunky is right. I've worked around it some by using the Tidal phone app to do searches to save then go back to the bluos app to play them. Wish they could sort saved albums alphabetically  though like they do with saved artists.
I do have to state I'm reasonably pleased with the bluos app.

I've tried remote control apps from Lumin, Aurender, BluOs and DCS.  I agree with lots of folks that voted for Lumin - although the sound quality of the streamer is more important to me.  I'm thankful that DCS recently upgraded it's remote control app to Mosaic as it narrows the gap of the other mentioned apps and I find it's all that I need. It makes available a wide variety of high SQ source options such as UPnP, USB, Deezer, Qobuz, TIDAL, Radio and some low SQ options such as Spotify and Podcasts.
For years I have used a PC as my source.  I just moved to a larger office/listening room and it is not as practical.  I bought a Node 2i last week and the app is OK, not great.  Tidal integration is decent, but I find it frustrating that I can't click on an artist or album to go to that item.  You basically have to use search for everything.  I have some experience with the app on the Naim streamer and it appears better than BluOS.  I have been told by many people that Roon is the best right now.  That's my very limited 1 cent opinion.